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Please allow 3 - 5 business days from the time your package arrives back to us for a refund to be issued.

Shopping Information

Is AfroCoutureWigs Hair 100% Human Hair?

How Long Do AfroCoutureWigs Wigs Last?

Does AfroCoutureWigs Hair Shed A Lot?

Which Human Hair Quality Is The Best?

Can they be straightened, curled?

Can I color my hair?

How do I wash my hair?

How can I tell if a wig is made from human hair?

Payment Information

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus?

How much is shipping and how long will it take?

How long will it take to get my package?

Branding is simply a more efficient way to sell things?

Order & Returns

How long will it take to receive my order?

How do I cancel my order?

How do I place an order?

How long will it take to receive my item?

How do I return an item?

When can I get a refund?

How long will it take to get my package?

Branding is simply a more efficient way to sell things?